Summer roadtripping…

Amazing how much stuff can fit into my car. I’ve seen the wizardry eleventeen times and yet I doubted the skills of my daughter the ninja packer. Mom have faith I think is what Miss Smarty Pants said as she cleverly placed two carseats, a booster seat, luggage, blankies, pillows, water bottles and toys into all the nooks and crannies. And I got a big old pshaw when I questioned if we’d have enough room for a trip to Costco for groceries.

Traveling with kids comes with extra pitstops to run off the zoomies. First up was Woss for some train climbing. The thing that most impressed the boys was that someone left a bag of chips in the cab. Okay then. Next stop was downtown Courtenay for Mama to get a long overdue haircut. The littles and I wandered downtown and found an active construction site. Next block over I spotted the sign for Bigfoot Donuts. Mimi for the win. The twins don’t look terribly impressed in the before picture but those donuts were scarfed down with gusto. Wish I’d taken an after shot of those adorable sugar coated faces.

Our destination was Lake Cowichan to stay with Megan’s godparents Uncle Jim & Auntie Laurie. Jim and Chris met as young Mounties stationed in Faust, Alberta back in the late 70’s. Some of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard came from their time working together. Auntie & Uncle’s cottage is perfectly outfitted for company of all ages, air-conditioned (perfect for wimpy North Islanders who wilt in 25+ degree temps) and we swam, boated, explored and played hard.

Time on the water was highly anticipated and if we had a nickel for every time someone asked if we could go on the boat lol. Bowen was positively gleeful bouncing across the waves on a tube next to Mom. Uncle Jim promised he can try water skiing next summer. Emmett enjoyed the trip but Mace’s trembling lip told me he was not amused and I got lots of snuggles. Fresh air and the drone of the boat motor eventually lulled both of them to sleep.

Quieter indoor pursuits included water colour painting with Uncle Jim, downtime on devices and checking out “monies” from around the world with Auntie Laurie.

One afternoon we were exploring the area and ended up in Mesachie Lake. “Hey my friend Janice lives here.” I announced. Megan quickly looked the address up on her phone and Forestry Road was the very next street. Janice was home and after the initial shock of me in her front yard we had a lovely catch up. Janice and I met when we went back to University as 30-something stay at home Moms. Now we’re happily retired grandmas. The last few images are random things that made me happy. Towels & swimsuits drying in the sun, cold beer on a hot day and a giant Inuksuk that made me think of my Dad.

We’re home now, unpacked and getting the laundry caught up. We brought some amazing memories home with us. Thanks again Uncle Jim & Auntie Laurie.

Hugs from the beach…

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